The Concept Behind My One Year War RP

Ever since I resumed the identity of TsunTaiga, I’ve been a bit perplexed. I found myself stuck in an RP rut… I wasn’t really relating to any of the new lesbian-centric moe RP universes, all of which I felt had too much fanservice and not enough gravitas. I wanted to experiment with creating my own unique original character, one I could mold and push through character development without derailing an already-existing character. But how was I to do this? Existing ORP went at far too fast a clip for me to keep up with, especially given my limited free time. In the end, I decided the best solution was to create my very own ORP, one that would move at a significantly more relaxed pace. That became the One Year War RP.

Here’s the concept: Over the next year or so, my original character Freyda Ashkenazy will experience Gundam’s One Year War in real-time. One day of IRL time will correspond to one day of RP time, so the war proper will begin on January 3rd, 2012 (or 0079 in the RP). Since she’s looking at the war from a Zeon perspective, that means she’ll be gassing colonies in January, invading Earth in March, fighting Gundams in October and so on. Throughout it all, she’ll evolve from an eager, naive young pilot into a jaded war veteran, all while questioning the ideals and the nation she’s fighting for.

I would like other RPers to join me in this effort. Whether you want to be a Zeon ace pilot, a Federation grunt or a poor, hapless civilian caught up in the chaos, you’re welcome to join. All I ask is that you leave existing canon characters like Char and Amuro out of this, and instead create your own unique personality. I’m planning on making between ten and twenty posts on @ZeonGirl daily, so that’s probably a good pace to match. Bear in mind that the One Year War was an all-encompassing conflict that brought as much devastation to the Gundam world as World War II did to ours, so this will not be a lighthearted RP by any means.

If you’re interested in joining, please let me know in the comments below or on Twitter (@TsunTaiga). You’ll need a Skype account, since I’ll be setting up a chatroom to keep track of everything. Other than that, the only limits are your imagination.